
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We started off the Weekend on Friday going to Helen and Joe's Dance recital. Topping that off with Banana Pudding- with whipped cream- that Mamma made for Eric's Birthday. :)

On Saturday we celebrated Eric's 34th Birthday at Dry Creek Trail Park with friends and family! We had an open pit fire, a Strawberry Shortcake Smorgasbord, AWESOME pulled pork that Eric made with Homemade BBQ sauce, and a exhilarating Frisbee Golf Tournament!

Sunday was church, lounging, & movie night with Russ visiting!

...and Monday we all (with Russell) went Rock Climbing in American Fork Canyon. We found some great starter climbs for Eric to lead (his first time leading!!!). He did a perfect job. :) There were tons of people out but we had fun hanging out, talking with peeps, picnicking, and trying new climbs. Eric even tried leading a 5.10!! There was a group there that had a boy that was 2 days older than Michael and his name was Jackson. It was funny because we kept calling their names "Michael! Jackson!" hee hee... they played splendidly together. Michael got his harness on and even did his first real climb attached to the rope and everything. It was a 5.7 called Rockapella! When he was done climbing (he got really high for a 3 year old!!like 12 feet high!) he hopped off the climb and said, "I'm TOWERFUL!!" (that means Powerful- teehee). We had a perfect day with just the right amount of sun, breeze, food, people, and climbing. Later that night Angie had game night at her place with Settlers, pizza, & S'mores!

Eric turns 34!

Its that time of year!! Time to celebrate Eric in our lives with a few of his favorite things: Frisbee Golf and Strawberry Shortcake! We went to a Frisbee Golf Park and had a BBQ with friends and family.

Eric is always on the lookout for the BEST recipe for almost any dessert. Strawberry Shortcake is one of his FAVORITES. His mom made it every year for his birthday growing up.

So we had a COOKOFF! Everyone brought their best, favorite, or secret family Strawberry Shortcake to enter in the Strawberry Shortcake Cookoff. Libby and Angie's were his favorites but ALL of them were DELICIOUS!! Really. He had a tough time choosing...

All the guys came prepared to challenge Eric in a Frisbee Golf Tournament.

We really just had an awesome time with our friends & family!

baby G

Our littlest girl is HERE! After a a few short hours in labor, we joyfully welcomed Genevieve Consuelo into our hearts and arms on May 14th @ 5:12pm. As she made her journey down to earth, she trailed a rainbow across the sky behind her spanning the hospital with Mt. Timpanogos in the background, a foreshadowing of the blessings to come.
She is the sweetest little baby we EVER did know.