
Monday, August 8, 2011

April Fool's 2011

April Fool's is full of surprises & tricks at our house!
For breakfast when I poured the milk into each glass, it magically turned BLUE! When Daddy poured out cereal into the bowls and instead of crunchy yummy cereal, LEGOs streamed out & clanked into the bowls!

For dinner, we had jello in glasses with a straw in it pretending to sit quietly there and look like fruit punch drink. We also had meatloaf birthday cake with mashed potato frosting! For dessert we had sushi (made out of rice krispie treats and fruit roll-ups) with melted chocolate dipping sauce!
Daddy brought out Asher's birthday Robot which had magically computed into a different kind of robot... an ENLARGING ROBOT! Everything we put in it came out at least 10x's bigger! We put in socks, jeans, candy buttons, smarties, Mr. Goodbar, and a water bottle! The boys wanted to put stuff in the robot all night long (and the next morning)!

But we had other plans! Our dear friends, the Osmonds, invited us to pick up trash with them so afterwards we shared our sushi dessert which they got a huge kick out of too!

Aaron tricked people all day with his "fake" dirty diaper that looked and felt VERY real! He put it in people's chairs, on the floor, all sorts of surprise places!! It tricked them every time!

Eric and I planned a disgusting trick on our lil' family! I melted a snickers bar in Geneieve's diaper. I went behind the living room table to change her announcing that she had a dirty diaper (which sends all the kids running away!)!! I then pulled out the melted snickers diaper and asked Eric, "what is wrong with her poo?!? It looks like she ate peanuts?! Did anyone feed her peanuts? She can't have peanuts or she'll have to go to the hospital (which isn't true but had to throw that in there for effect!)" The kids were worried and so I told Eric that the only way we can know if it was peanuts or not was for him to taste it. He took the biggest chunk of snickers he could and ate it. Ammon laughed and wretched, Aaron screamed in hilarious disgust, Michael and Asher stood in AWE that this was even happening. We exclaimed "April Fool's!" and told them what it was all about! They laughed so hard and were thrilled they had actually been "tricked"! Everyone was in stitches laughing for hours after!

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